Tuesday 11 October 2011

Twitter Good V's Bad

So today I find myself wanting to talk about Twitter. The power of Twitter.

I found myself having my very first Twitter row. Even writing that sentance seems quite ridiculous. Anyway, anyone who knows me knows that I am never horrible about pregnant women why would I be?

I follow lots of celebs on Twitter, either because I like them, or they are intriging or I dont like them but am just nosey! I see lots of tweets from people about their bumps, and they don't offend me, my mind works in a way that it says 'why aren't you approaching this with caution? Why are you so naieve?' This is meant in a concerning way, because I know how tragic the outcome can be, no matter how hard you try. What if something happened? And you tweet daily about your baby, you are being watched by thousands of strangers?? I know that is celebrity culture and most certainly Twitter culture, you are giving strangers all over the world permission to read your thoughts??

To cut a long stiry short I sent a tweet to two celebrities who were having a conversation about their bumps, saying I think you should be careful being so public because nothing is guaranteed and you have thousands of people reading your every move. Now I may approach life with to much caution however these weren't meant as offensive comments by any stretch of my imagination. Regardless they appeared to cause offense to one of those celebs, who in return tweeted me saying 'Regardless of what you've been through my thoughts are disgraceful and negative thoughts bring on negative actions' now I shouldnt of bitten to that but I did. I felt that she was telling me any negative thoughts I had caused my daughter to die, she was very dismissive and really quite hurtful, I felt rightly or wrongly she should of approached me in a civil manner. So the power of twitter meant that over 40,000 people read the tweets she sent me and in return I got .......well complete abuse from a load of people I don't know and who don't know me?? These people were tweeting me with comments like 'get over it your baby died' 'why are you jealous of other women' 'why are you spreading negative thoughts' 'p*** off you attention seeker' WOW !

I wonder why people want to be so offensive? And the first few messages really upset me, until I put it into perspective and realise that I may of offended this woman which wasn't my intention and these are people who seem to think, I think women shouldnt enjoy their pregnancy or should feel guilty about being excited about their pregancy which is so bizarre these are fabricated assumptions from people who dont know me and dont know this 'celebrity' I then received an apology from her after I tried to explain myself yet I continued to get abuse from her followers.

I am always happy for people who are expecting, they dont upset me, their excitement doesnt upset me and really people that matter in my life know that. I tell people to cherish and enjoy every second. That is the lesson Ive learnt this week. By being in Twitter you open yourself up for people to cast judgement, be horrible and rude.

So on the flip side - I recieved a message last week from a fellow angel mum I had never met who lost her baby only a few weeks ago and she thanked me for sharing my blog as she new she wasnt going crazy and how she was .feeling was actually pretty normal. That alone made all the horrible tweets not matter, if just 1 more person can relate or find some comfort in my story it's worth it. And this blog yesterday alone due to the 'Twitter' row had over 200 views last night.

Twitter can be a dangerous place and again writing this is leaving myself wide open, this isnt a soap opera, or a magazine to read its my life and I'm trying to do some good in the aftermath of suffering the loss of my baby. The other celebrity reacted very different didnt take offense took time to ask me how I am and that she had read my blog. How 2 people can be so different.

I have un followed the offensive celebrity purely because I have lost all respect and interest in anything she has to say.

Twitter Good V's Bad

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